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Friday, January 6, 2012

DI(fr)Yday: How to make a clothing-tag specimen board

How to make a clothing-tag specimen board
How to make a clothing-tag specimen board
How to make a clothing-tag specimen board
How to make a clothing-tag specimen board

For a few years, I've been saving clothing tags, particularly the ones that are pretty or that document important purchases. I've toyed around with different ideas of how to use them (Should I frame some? Make a mobile?), but when I thought of this, I knew it would be perfect.

Since I collect these tags as a way of documenting a variety of brands and pieces, why not display them on a specimen board. You know, like you see with butterflies all the time. Like this . . .

Butterfly specimen board

If you want to display clothing tags as well, just start collecting and soon you'll have enough. I know I said I've been saving for years, but this project barely put a dent in my collection. I have a box of them literally spilling out. Depending on the size of board you want to make, it won't take that many tags.

How to make a clothing-tag specimen board

You will need:

How to make a clothing-tag specimen board

- A framed cork bulletin board in the size of your choice
- Enough tags to fill the bulletin board
- Thumbtacks
- A feline helper (you know, to lie on the board while you're trying to work and paw at tags until they go missing under the stove, etc.)

How to make a clothing-tag specimen board
How to make a clothing-tag specimen board
How to make a clothing-tag specimen board

Step 1. Place any big or oddly shaped tags first. In my case, this meant the large, circular American-Apparel-circle-scarf tag.
Step 2. Place other tags around these ones, starting with the larger ones and filling in gaps with the small. Take your time arranging and rearranging until you find the formation you most like.
Step 3. Push a thumbtack through the hole of each tag.
Step 4. If you have any fabric tags, you may need to add an extra thumbtack to them to keep them flush with the board.

How to make a clothing-tag specimen board

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  1. This is such a good idea! I keep the tags I like as well, never thought of actually doing anything with them though.


  2. This is an amazing idea. I am going to start collecting tags now! x

  3. I LOVE this idea! so cute and great blog-spiration!

  4. Really great idea! I'm a big fan of collages and this project is so unique. BTW love your blog banner!

  5. This is a really good idea for keeping tags in frame. Nice one.

  6. omg you're a genius! This is so cool! Thanks!
