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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homemade marshmallows

Making homemade marshmallows

This is my Owen (Ryan's nephew) . . .

Owen in his top hat

He loves Willy Wonka so much that he wears this top hat around all the time. He also loves candy, which he calls "CAHN-dee" possibly because he's seen Willy Wonka so many times. When he sat on Santa's lap this year, he asked Santa for candy. Then, when Santa wasn't looking, he stole an extra candy cane.

What I'm trying to get across is that this adorable little munchkin loves candy. So, for belated Christmas (they were out of town until last week), I decided to make him some candy. So I made marshmallows for the first time.

You've probably seen homemade marshmallows before as they've been all over the blogosphere lately, but I wanted to share anyway since I had so much fun with it. I used Alton Brown's recipe because I generally trust him to find the best method for everything, and I definitely recommend it.

Making homemade marshmallows
Making homemade marshmallows
Making homemade marshmallows

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