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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happiness and beautiful things

I've been listening to The Happiness Project in my car and it's gotten me thinking about my own happiness, what I can do to savor it when it comes and what I can to to create more of it. It's an extraordinary power, the ability to make yourself happy.

So today, my first day of rest in a long time has been, in large part devoted to doing things that bring me joy. Of course this means a lot of sitting by the pool reading, but I've also been productive. I hung a belt rack in my closet this morning (Using a power drill honest makes me really happy! - something I discovered working in the scene shop when I was a drama student).

Another thing that makes me really happy is getting packages in the mail. I know I'm not alone there; after all, "brown paper packages tied up with strings" is a line in "My Favorite Things." So it just worked out that this was waiting for me this morning...

Mystery package . . . What could it be?


Here's what it was!


Don't you just love eBay?

Then, as I was doing some cleaning/organization/playing with power tools, I came across a pretty clementines box that I've been wanting to do something with. Then I remembered that I've also been wanting to find a more practical and aesthetically pleasing storage solution for my nail polish . . . and voila!


Now I'm sitting by the pool enjoying a talk glass of lime and basil sparkling water and a Marie Claire I've been trying to find time to read for ages.


Okay, I'm gonna jump in the pool now and get some exercise. Then, more Marie Claire. I hop you are all enjoying your weekends!

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1 comment:

  1. The Happiness Project is so good... and so is getting packages in the mail!
