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Saturday, April 16, 2011

DIY hat and my straw hat collection showcase

I have a fun DIY tale for you. As you may know, I am obsessed with straw hats. So, I really fell in love when I saw this beauty at Anthropologie...

However, I did not want to pay $48 for it. (If you do, by all means click here.) Instead, I bought a plain straw cloche on Ebay for $5, added some grommets, and created my own version of the original inspiration.

Here's how I did it.

I started by gathering supplies (the cloche, a silk scarf, a package of grommets, a grommet tool, and a hole punch). I also used a hammer, but I forget photograph it.

The ugly, black, polyester band was just hot glued on, so I peeled it off pretty easily.

I picked off excess glue, but didn't sweat the small stuff since I knew my scarf would cover everything.

I folded up the back brim to get an idea for where to put my grommets.

I created holes for my grommet with a standard hole punch. I found that it was the perfect size for the 1/4" grommets I was using.

Each pair of grommets consists of one short grommet and one slightly longer grommet. The longer grommet goes on the right side.

I inserted the grommets into the hole and hammed to seal them together.

With both grommets in, I was getting close to finished.

I wrapped the scarf around the front of the hat and threaded its ends down through the grommets.

Then I folded up the back brim, pulled the scarf taught, and tied a box. Lovely.

* * *

Well, as I said before, I'm obsessed with straw hats, and, since I just DIYed one for you, I thought now would be a good time to showcase my collection for you as well.

Wide Brim
(This one is technically my mom's.)

Vintage Cloche



And my new baby...

DIY Scarf Cloche

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  1. Hey if you wanna do somethin' fun to my hat(s), have at it Girlfriend! I love your work.
    Your biggest fan (who likes you the most too!)

  2. Such a great idea!!! Thanks for sharing girl!


  3. Brilliant idea, looks like it's shop brought!

  4. Soooo smart!! Loves! I've been looking for a good hole puncher at the craft stores for some leather work I've been meaning to I need to get one to apply this hat trick!!
