I've been on quite the garland-and-ornament-making kick this Christmas. I really love the simplicity of these DIY clay ornaments, but I wanted to give them my own twist. So I made some simple painted ones and also developed a plan for making embroidered-constellation ones.
I made one with Leo and one with Gemini since those are Ryan's and my sun signs, but I think it would be really cool to do Orion, Ursa Major or another favorite constellation as well.
I followed Kelli's instructions for rolling and cutting the Sculpy, but before baking, I made small holes for each star with the tip of a toothpick. After the ornaments baked and cooled, I used the running stitch to trace the shape of each constellation with embroidery thread.
I love the way they turned out. Don't you think they'd make great gifts, stocking stuffers, or even personalized gift tags?
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